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   1 no of parts+1 (ie: 1-38+pt 0=39)
   1 ago. But, why not stickwith the brand you know and love  and  tryout a SINCLAIR Z88?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Not only is the laptop far more  powerful,with extra options such as EPROMs and  RAM&  ROM  packs,  but  the  machine  can  beconnected to Spectrum 128's, QL's and evenPCs. The Z88 comes  complete  with  clock,diary, calendar,  alarm,  word  processor,database and BBC Basic as standard.                                                 Alchemist Research hopes to  have  one  ofthese in operation either now  or  in  thevery near future,  courtesy  of  the  UK'sleading supplier -  Bill  Richardson.  Seethe flyer with this issue of AlchNews. Theprice quoted is  a  special  discount  forQUANTA and ALCHNEWS readers only.                                                   In the meantime, any PC owners wi
   1 The dictionary  may  actually  consist  ofmore than one VOCABULARY - the primary oneis called FORTH and this is  the  word  tokey by pressing ENTER  when  you  want  toreturn  to  what  is  called  the  CONTEXTVOCABULARY.                                                                         All vocabularies link back  to  the  FORTHvocabulary and this helps to justify theirexistence.  When  commands  are   entered,FORTH first looks through whatever happensto be  the  cuurent  vocabulary  and  thenrefers back to  the  FORTH  vocabulary  inorder to find a match for the  word  underexecution. As soon  as  it  finds  such  amatch,  the  corresponding  definition  iscarried out.  Putting  the  definition  ofrarely    used    words    into    specialvocabularies speeds  up  the  search  timewhen in the FORTH vocabulary itself.                                                                 THE STACK                                                                                                    The working of
   1 EGGNEB - (Egg  Nebula)  officially  titled         'Gaseous Pillars' this image  was         originally taken  by  the  Hubble         telescope  in  Nov  95,  and  you         might remember it, as it hit  the         headlines at the time due to it's         striking beauty.                                                           GA1 - SCULLY IN RUBBER!!!, OH MY GOD!!!,  GA2   THERE IS A GOD!!!. Taken for FHM    GA3   magazine, but not published,              distributed on the Internet instead       (at  the  SKY  TV  site,   X   FILES      section).                                                                           (GA1 & GA2 show how you can  improve      an image, if you fiddle  with  it  a      bit.                                                                                GA1  is  darker  -  resulting  in  a      sharper  image,  but  GA2  which  is      lighter,  reveals  more  details   -      especially that rubber!).                                                     MARS - Taken b
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   1 ALCHNEWS23"
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   1 1997 A.Davis & Alch. Research
   1 1.20  coveprice.                                                                              All in all, I'd rate it as a  "must  have"especially if you have any interest at  alin science fiction and/or informative, welwritten and witty  articles.  I  personallcan't wait for issue three!                                                                                                                  CATTY REMARKS                                                        Copyright  '97  DH  Industries,   AlchemisSoftware, Alchemist Research,  Andy  DavisRay Smith -  in  fact  copyright  1997  thwhole world except RB.                                                              Ring ring... ring ring... rin-click "HelloAlchemist Research Seat Ibiza Mobile HQ"                                            DH  Hi Andy, Tis me. When are you likely      to be in Bristol?                                                               AD  We're just on the M32 now (wooosh)        Lookit that pillock in the bus, just      
   1 00000000`00
   1 "Enter Part:";cnt:
   1  LOAD PART 
   1  LOAD +D INDEX 
   1      Mulder sighed and  shut  his  bag  ofseeds. He found he wasn't hungry  anymore."Lisa,"   he   said   with   a   concernedexpresssion  on  his   face,   "how   doesWaterton "choose" its people? I mean, whatcriteria must it follow to accept someone?Agent Scully is one of the best  people  Ihave ever met and she is someone who wouldput her life on the line for me as I wouldfor   her.   Granted,    we    have    bigdisagreements  on  many  things,  but  shestill stands by me in a lot of cases. Whatmakes the town hate her and like me?"                                                    Lisa smiled sadly, "It all boils downto something  I  know  that  you  have  toadmit, Mulder. Waterton  can  only  acceptpeople who "believe", who are open to  thepossibilities  of   unknown   places   andunknown phenomena. Agent  Scully,  like  alarge majority of the Earth's  population,is completely closed  to  such  ideas.  Toher, a town with a mind of its  own  wouldseem ludicrous. This town needs to  acceptpeople who wil
   1      "I'm  sorry,  but  you'll   have   toleave."                                                                                  Perturbed and still hungry,  but  notabout  to  start  a  fight,  Scully   leftquickly and went across the street to  thesmall grocery store. When she  walked  in,Scully had a  very  uncomfortable  feelingthat everyone was watching her, and with aquick glance at both customers and clerks,she knew it was true. This  eerie  feelingmade Scully rush down the first aisle  shecould and pick up  the  first  prepackageditem--some  Hostess  cupcakes--she   couldfind.                                                                                    As Scully went to the checkout  line,she felt as if the whole store  was  at  astandstill--for a moment  all  3  checkoutclerks seemed to stop scanning  items  andto just STARE! Scully was beginning to getworried that something on her  person  wasnoticable--perhaps she had something stuckon her coat,  or  her  hair  was  stickingstraight up or
   1      "Did you take her to  the  soda  shopand buy her some  ice  cream  or  do  mostpeople sit  at  a  soda  counter  and  eatsunflower seeds?"                                                                        "Actually,   she    ordered    cherryphosphates, but how did you..."                                                          "I went in there this  afternoon  andgot  a  double  scoop  for  50  cents  andnoticed  a  seed  on  the  floor.  I  justfigured that..."                                                                         "I'm not most people, right?" Mulder finished.                                                                                "Right," Scully answered, smiling butgiving him a  strange  look.  Mulder  feltuncomfortable.  There   was   an   unusualtension  in  the  room  that  both  agentsseemed to feel, but were trying  to  coverup with sarcasm and small  talk.  Finally,Mulder knew it was time to break  the  iceand say what was on his  mind.  He  lookedstraight  in  
   1         UNUSUAL BEHAVIOUR FROM FPD                                                  Quite  recently,  the  actions   of   DaveFountain have been  causing  concern.  Forsome reason he seems to  have  an  axe  togrind with everyone.  Aside  from  callingTheo Develegas an 'arsehole' regarding oneof his programs over  two  years  old,  anarticle in ZX FILES which seems to have  ago at James Waddington, with  the  use  ofthe phrase 'rip off merchants' and statingthat Alchemist Software  is  swamping  themarket  with  cheap   compilations.   Plusthere's  also  been  comments  made  aboutcertain  programmers  and  their  work  inconverting  snapshots  back  to   originalfiles, that FPD doesn't "f*ck them  up  bycompressing the main code". To the best ofour knowledge,  only  Miles  Kinloch  doesthis, and the compression  enables  peopleto get far more games on a +D disk, or  tosave a great deal  of  time  loading  fromtape. It doesn't spoil the game  one  bit.Considering Miles has been responsible forconverting  ma
   1                   Listing                                                           After  running  a  program  the   originalprogram LIST can be returned to the screenby merely using ENTER again.  Listing  maystart from any line number by keying  LISTfollowed by the required line  number.  Infact this has to  be  carried  out  beforeediting any particular line as descibed inthe next paragraph.                                                                                   Editing                                                           Errors in programs  can  be  corrected  byusing  the  EDIT  facility  and  even   oncompleted   programs   almost   inevitablychanges have to be made at some time.  Thelast line entered is shown by  the  symbol">" and  to  select  any  other  line  thecursor up or down keys must be used.                                                The following operations  can  be  carriedout: 1 .A complete Line  can  be  replacedmerely by using the same  Line  number  asbefore and typ
   1                      MARCH 1997.        
   1                                           The following story is my small tribute tothe  paranormal  phenomena  found  in  theMidwest.                                                                                        "Silent Treatment"                                by                                    Erin Bauer                                                               Milton Cramer had been here  for  twodays. It was now  11:30  p.m.  and  Miltonlooked  proudly  around  his  lush   suitecomplete  with  his   own   living   room,kitchen, bath, and bedroom. After  gettingaglass  of  wine--of  the  most  excellentFrench vintage--he went into  his  bedroomand sat on the  plush  comforter  coveringhis soft king sized bed and stared out thewindow. He stared at  the  small  grocery,clothing,  and  dime  stores  across   thestreet and had  difficulty  imagining  howsuch a town could offer a hotel like this.At any rate, it was about time he got somerespect--he was a high  class  businessmanand demanded e
   1                                                ALCHEMIST RESEARCH PRICING POLICY           Effective 01/03/97 - 01/03/98                                                We've   streamlined   the   operation   ofsubscriptions, single and back  issues  tomake ordering as simple as possible. Thesedetails  will  remain  effective  until  arevision  is  published  in  AlchNews  27.Alchemist Research reserves the  right  toalter this information without notice.                                              __________________________________________                                                      ALCHNEWS FREQUENCY                                                      AlchNews is released every  three  months,on or around  the  first  days  of  MARCH,JUNE, SEPTEMBER and DECEMBER. September isthe birthday month of Alchemist  Research,and we usually give away extra freebies.                                            __________________________________________                                                        
   1                                                 RUNNING Z80 WITH WINDOWS 95....                      Properly!                                                                                                    A number of you have written in  and  saidthat you've had trouble running Z80  underWindows 95. The setting described here  ispretty general and should work  with  mostmodern PCs.                                                                         First, make sure that you have the Z80.PIFfile in your  Z80  directory.  It  may  beadvantageous to put  it  on  your  Windowsdesktop. Wherever it is, right click on itand select the PROPERTIES menu. You shouldbe  then  confonted  by   six   pages   ofsettings.                                                                           1) GENERAL. Tells you about the  emulator.There are four check boxes, make sure onlythe ARCHIVE one is highlighted.                                                     2) PROGRAM: The name (beside the icon)  iswhat you want 
   1                                                 Paul's New PC-Powered Rantings!                                               Yes, that's right  folks;  I  now  have  a"proper" computer (that's what  PC  standsfor!)  complete  with  Pentium  processor,multimedia bits  and  pieces  and  variousother add-ons - like a cool colour  inkjetprinter!                                                                            So, my next step is naturally to leave theSpeccy scene, right...?  WRONG!  Sorry  todisappoint you all, but I still  love  theold Speccy and will continue to mess aboutwith it in  my  spare  time.  Er,  by  theway...  does  anyone  know  how   to   get64-column text in this WordPad  thing?  IfTasword  can  do  it,  surely  this  great32-bit  multitasking  phenomenon  must  beable to.                                                                            Well, anyway, I  haven't  ranted  about  asingle thing yet, so here goes:                                                     * Whenever  I 
   1                                                  CUSTOMISING ALCHNEWS LOGO BAR              Andy Davis / Miles Kinloch                                                  When Dominic Morris revised  the  SinclairNews shell for ALchNews, he didn't  botherto add any screens or revise the logo - heleft that for us. As the shell  came  veryclose to the deadline, we left it in  somecopies of  issue  11,  but  has  now  beenrevised.  Creating  the  address   screen,which is seen between loading  the  parts,was quite easy, and has  been  changed  onmany occasions.  However,  what  was  moredifficult, was  altering  the  informationbat at the bottom of the screen. The  moreastute of you will  know  that  it  hasn'tchanged once!                                                                       The reason  is  because  the  way  Dominicprogrammed it - as a sprite. I'm certainlynot having a go at him, but there  are  noprograms  which  allow  you  to  design  asprite like this and  then  import  it  toAlchNews.     
   1                                                    Select Drive B for BRAIN                        Desmond Tyler                                                                                                  The two  men  crept  stealthily  into  thegraveyard at the  dead  (oops,  sorry)  ofnight.                                                                              "This one is still fresh massster", hissedthe smaller of the two men.               "Good, Igor", replied the taller man.                                               Igor began to dig.  The  tall  man  lookedaround and then studied the ream of  notesin his hands.                                                                       "Remember, Igor, it must be a man's  brainwe get. A woman's is just  too  small  forour needs."                                                                         "Yesss massster", replied Igor.                                                     The master listened. He could  swear  thathe could hear 
   1                                                    BETTER DIGITISING: PART 3                ***************************                                                               By Paul Howard.                                                       Yes, this is the conclusion to my  amazingseries. This final part will detail how tocreate  your  own   digitised   slideshows(easy!)  or  animations  (less  easy),  asBASIC programs. I've made quite a  few  ofboth, so I'll explain how  I  did  it  andhopefully you can follow suit.                                                      Whatever you want to  do,  make  sure  allyour  screens  are  ready   (coloured   ifnecessary, and all  that),  then  load  upyour   copy   of   the   Mikropol   ScreenCompressor   (available   from   most   PDlibraries, or from me!) and compress  eachscreen in turn. By the way,  it  is  VITALthat all are 6912 bytes long (either  CODE16384,6912 or SCREEN$); if they have  beenleft unchanged and are 6144, they will  becompressed wit
   1                                                     Z80 3.05 - THE BUG LIST                                                   As briefly detailed in the news section ofAlchNews,  Z80  version  3.05   has   beenreleased. There's no radical changes to 3.04 which was reviewed last issue, but manybugs have been fixed. They are:                                                     Disciple/+D Centronics printer bug fixed.                                           Disciple COPY SCREEN$ bug fixed.                                                    RLD and RRD could change ROM  (Soldier  ofLight; James McKay and Lee Tonks aka Bloodtold me about this)                                                                 RES/SET  IX/IY  could  change   ROM   (RedScorpion;   bug   reported    by    RobertZmyslowicz)                                                                         Z80  again  works   on   all   processors,including 8088/8086.                                                                ALT-F7  shortc
   1                                                     Spectrum 128 +2 (grey)                    Faults & Modifications                          P W Johnson                                                         Those readers who use the  RGB  output  toobtain  a  direct  video   feed   may   beinterested  in  the  manufacturing  faultswhich I have found in the  only  three  ofthese models I have seen.                                                           In each of  these,three  transistors  havebeen installed on  the  board  with  theiremitter    and    collector    transposed.According to the white  line  markings  onthe board they are correctly  mounted  butpossibly due to  a  change  of  transistortype during the production run to  a  typeusing a  different  lead  arrangement  theincorrect  assembly  has   occurred.   Thetransistors are TR4,TR5,TR7.                                                        TR4 is the main composite PAL video outputdriver which  appears  on  pin  1  of  theconnector. The
   1                                                     SPECTRUM EMULATOR TOOLS                                                   This  collection  comprises  of  the  mostpopular known utility programs  to  enableyou  to  get  more  from   your   Spectrumemulators.  If  you  own  at   least   oneSpectrum emulator, then you  need  one  ormore of the following utilities.                                                    Only   official   shareware   /   freewareprograms  are  featured  and  neither  theauthor,  nor  Alchemist  Research  condoneusing  unregistered  emulators,  or   gamepiracy.                                                                             The collection is  PKZIPped  to  almost  5Megabytes on four high density  disks  andcosts `3 from Alchemist Research.  Contactus if you require the collection on doubledensity disks or do not  wish  the  entirecollection.                                                                         The programs, when unpacked, occupy almost9 Megabytes!  
   1                                                     RE-TUNING YOUR SPECTRUM                                                   Well here we go, it just had to  happen  Isuppose.  One   day   some   inconsiderateorganisation was bound to want to use  thechannel (or frequency) that almost every 8bit home computer and video recorder uses.                                          To be fair, Channel 5 has sent out  plentyof  engineers  to   re-tune   your   videorecorder,  but  will  they  re-tune   yourSpectrum too? Methinks not.                                                         So,  it's  either  up  to  you  to  do  ityourself,  or  you  could  of  course  paysomebody like your local TV engineer to doit for you - either way,  the  whole  ideaabout using  channel  36  as  a  broadcastfrequency should have been thought  out  abit better!                                                                         Okay then,  here's  how  to  re-tune  yourspectrum. Details are given here for a 48Kmachine, altho
   1                                                     AUNTY ROYS AGONY COLUMN                   >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                                                   "Dear Aunty Roy...                                                                             SP-UK/SP-EMU/UK v1.0                      >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                                                     This  is  a  strange  emulator,  and   thedocumentation is foreign, can't tell  whatthough.                                                                             It  seems  to  have  some  tape  &  Adlib/Soundblaster sound card  support  (judgingfrom the start messages) and requires  EMSmemory.                                                                             This emulator  also  features  a  built-indebugger, so all you technoheads can get athrill watching the numerous variations onthe assembly language instructions                                                                 POP DX                                   
   1                                                      THE ZX FILES Magazine                      Done by Paul White                                                             This review by Lloyd Garland                                                 Hiya  AlchyNewsy  readers,  tiz   I,   theBristol Nutter.                                                                     So, Paul White went  and  sent  me  a  newmagazine  -  "what's  reckon  to  it  thenLloyd?"                                                                             "Hope you enjoy reading it" said  Paul  inhis intro letter.                                                                   What can I say, YES  I  DID!  it's  funny,packed  with  all  things   Spectrum,   isnon-biased  and  readable  like  no  otherpaper based magazine has been for years. Iwas reminded of Crash quite a  lot  whilstreading it, and I don't mean Crash when itwas taken over by  Europress  either.  No,this  is  vintage  stuff,  just  like  theoriginal  Spec
   1                                                      THE ALCHEMIST HOLIDAY                                                    I had a final week's holiday from work  totake before Christmas, so plumped for  thesecond week of November  to  do  a  littletour around the South of England, startingwith Stonehenge.                                                                    Allie and I  had  a  nice  drive  down  onMonday morning, stopping  off  at  Allie'srequest to see some horrors of Berkshire -such as the Newbury  by-pass,  AldermastonAtomic Weapons Establishment and  GreenhamCommon. We also passed the  power  stationthat allegedly intentinally  gave  severalworkers cancer which was  in  the  news  aweek or two later. It  amazes  me  how  somuch evil can exist in  such  a  localisedvicinity.  The  volume  of  military   and'unmarked' vehicles on the  roads  in  thearea was tremendous.                                                                We arrived at our hotel in Salisbury earlyin the  aftern
   1                                                       TASWORD TIPS TUTOR                            Geff Bobker                       With thanks to Steve Hanley                                                                                           Here's a quick  collection  of  hints  andtips for Tasword 2.                                                                                                                         MULTIPLE COPIES                                                       Add the following lines to the  Tasword  2Basic program - providing it has not  beenmodified in any way beforehand:                                                     251 LET i=14: PRINT AT i,0;"No  of  copies    (1)": GOSUB 6000                      252 LET k=VAL a$                          279 FOR i=1 TO k                          281 NEXT i                                                                                                                                  MODIFYING HELP                            
   1                                                       So on and so FORTH                           Graeme Harris                                                        FORTH is a very efficient and  high  levelprogramming language and operating system.It's speed is closer to machine code  thanto BASIC - but unlike machine code, it  isvery easy to learn. And one of the supremeadvantages of FORTH programs is that  theyare almost completely  transportable  fromone computer to another. This applies  notjust between small home micros,  either  -the machine's size or type has very littleto do with it. Transportability like  thisis a very rare attribute  in  an  industrybeset with the programs of incompatability- especially within computer languages.                                             Several  dialects  and  updates  of  FORTHexist but the core principles are the samefor all. The introduction to  FORTH  givenby this series should be easy to follow byitself, but needless to say,you will  needFORTH in your 
   1                                                       Inside the PLUSDROM                                                     If  you  own  Z80,  one  of  the   biggestbenefits is the internal operation of  the+D system. There are a number of  externalDOS programs to read +D  disks,  but  onlyZ80 emulates the +D system  to  it's  fullpotential.                                                                          However, before  you  can  access  the  +Demulation, you must supply your  own  DOS,which means that you must own  a  Spectrumand +D! Obviously, most don't, but  that'scopyright and meanness  of  the  copyrightowners for you!                                                                     But, should you manage to aquire a copy ofthe ROM file,  you  may  want  to  know  alittle about the actual Spectrum  it  camefrom, and may wish to alter the parametersof your +D emulation. Like before, we willuse the MS-DOS DEBUG command to debug  thefile PLUSDROM.BIN, which  is  16384  byteslong.         
   1                                                       ASSEMBLING BY HAND                            Chris Lyons                                                         WARNING:  Trying  to  write  machine  codeprograms in hex could damage  your  brain.But you  can  do  it  easily  in  assemblylanguage   and   then    translate    intohexadecimal.                                                                        Machine code programs are fast,  efficientand very effective, but they are extremelydifficult to write and debug. Even to  theexperienced eye they can appear  to  be  ameaningless  string  of  numbers,  becauseinstructions,  data  and   addresses   allappear as strings of hex digits joined endto end.                                                                             The solution is ot to  write  programs  inmachine code at all. Instead, most machinecode  programs  are  written  in  assemblylanguage,  then  translated  into  machinecode. Usually this is done  by  a  programcalled an asse
   1                                                         GraffiXmax v2.0                                                                        CREDITS.                                                                    Original graphics viewer                        Richard Coles                                                               Graphics viewer v1.0 created                       Andy Davis.                                                                Graphics viewer v2.0 created                      Paul Howard.                                                            Database graphics drawn and compiled                 Richard Coles.                                                                  Logo graphics and sound                        Paul Howard.                                                                        Nude pictures                              Roy Benson.                           <Just kidding! Ed>                                                              (c) 19
   1                                                         BACK TO BASICS                                 No. 1                                  by Ken Beer                                                                                                         First  of  all  let   me   introducemyself. Like Arnold Yates I used to  writefor the Spectrum UK magazine but as Arnoldhas  already  explained   this   mag   hasdissapeared into thin air. I  was  invitedby Andy to write for  Alchnews  some  timeago but unfortunately I wasn't too well atthe time but I am glad to say  that  I  amfeeling better now and rearing to go. I aman  Electronics  Engineer  and  have  beenretired for  nearly  twelve  years  and  Ifirst became interested  in  the  SPECTRUMlong before I left work and I used  it  inconjunction with an Alphacom printer. Thisprinter has its shortcomings  and  I  havesince invested in  a  full-width  printer.This has given me a new  interest  in  thesubject.                                                
   1                                                          TRADING POST                             **************                                                        Please note,  it  is  common  courtesy  toenclose a SAE with  your  enquiry  to  allservices. If  purchasing  from  a  privateindividual, make confirmation the  articleis still for sale and try not to send cashunless a premium delivery service is used.                                          The services and  contacts  here  are  allin regular  communication  with  AlchemistResearch and are considered  reliable  andtrustworthy. The  listing  has  also  beenscaled down vastly due to  the  increasingamount of space taken.                                                              THIS SECTION IS NOW LISTED IN ALPHABETICALORDER, WITH DETAILS OF  WHAT  THE  SERVICEPROVIDES UNDERNEATH.                                                                                 * * * * *                                                          ADVENTURE WORK
   1                                                          TASWORD TUTOR                          Rescuing lost files                                                     Believe it  or  not,  now  and  again  theSpectrum has a tendency to crash.  It's  away of  life,  so  accept  it.  If  you'relucky, it  will  only  happen  when  doingsomething non essential, but,  judging  byyour letters, it seems to happen more whentyping in a long program or article into aword processor. That's  Murphy's  Law  foryou, and if I  ever  catch  up  with  him,he'll regret making that law!                                                       If, when  you're  using  Tasword,  and  itcrashes, the first thing you do is scream!However, don't  panic,  there's  a  strongchance that you can recover most,  if  notall, of your lost data. To help you,  haveto hand:                                                                            Pencil and paper                          Calculator                                A Multiface (p
   1                                                          DESMOND TYLER                                                                   AREA 51 CONSPIRACIES                                                     I don't think that  there's  ever  been  atime in history where Roswell and Area  51has been on so many  people's  minds.  Wayback in the 40's when an alien  craft  wassupposed to have crashed  on  a  ranch  inRoswell, New Mexico, there was some  localinterest, but it was  quietly  covered  upand no more was said. But, today,  if  thesame thing were to happen, there would  bean outcry  and  no  doubt  millions  wouldstorm the fences of Area 51 to  demand  toknow the truth. We're not far from it now,actually. ALready  the  town  of  Rachael,Nevada, which is nearest to Area 51, has abooming tourist industry catering for  UFOspotters from across the globe.  The  roadthat runs parallel to  area  51  has  beenrenamed the Alien  Highway  and  even  thediner featured in the second ever  X-Filesepisode 'Deep 
   1                                                          DAVE'S RANTS                                                         Yo! Dave (DEFFSTAR) Forrest comin' at yourscreens for a bit of important gossyinfo.                                           I have finally got myself a mortgage!                                               Yes, so instead of sending  me  piles  andpiles of letters to my usual address at  6Tithe Barn Way, I shall be living at:                                               81 Birdwell Road                          Grimesthorpe                              SHEFFIELD                                 S4 8BL                                                                              (IMPORTANT NOTE, Grimesthorpe is  not  thesame as the pit village Grimethorpe,  nearBarnsley which  was  the  setting  of  thecolliery band film,  Brassed  Off,  but  asuburb of Sheffield)                                                                Now a message for Paul  Howard,  who  verykindly complim
   1                                                          BACK IN TIME                              Arnold Yates                                                         This month lets take a further look at theMicrodrives and other storage media.                                                The Microdrive. This was one of  the  bestitems to come on the market. First off  itconected to the spectrum via the expansionport  and  was  held  in  place  with  twoscrews.                                                                             You had too remove  two  screws  from  thespectrum,one to the left and  one  to  theright. Y6u now pushed the interface  1  onto the spectrum via  the  expansion  port.Then the two screws in the interface  werescrewed into the spectrum.                                                          You now had to the left of the interface asmall socket for the  microdrive  plug  tofit into,it will come to the microdrive  alittle later,but for now I  will  describethe interface 
   1                                                           Rockfall 3                                                          Ever fancied becoming  famous  and  havingyour name in lights? Well, now you can (ina limited sense)! Contribute a few  levelsto the latest Spectrum  game  from  ImpactSoftware and not only will you be creditedbut you will also be entitled  to  a  freecopy of the finished game on tape, +D 3.5"disc or PC disc (for Z80 emulator).                                                 Ian Collier's Rockfall is a  game  in  theBoulder Dash genre. In each level you mustcollect the required number of jewels  andreach the exit which then  appears,  whileavoiding hazards such  as  bombs,  fallingrocks and aliens, all of which have uniqueproperties that can often be used to  youradvantage.   The   original   two   games,Rockfall 1  &  2,  should  accompany  thistextfile. By playing  them  for  a  while,you'll get used to  the  workings  of  thegame. Note that  on  a  128k  machine  youshould load th
   1                                                           PUZZLE TIME                                                         A free year's subscription to AlchNews forthe first person  drawn  out  of  the  hatOn May  1st  with  the  solution  to  thispuzzle:                                                                             You are  locked  in  a  sealed  room  withwalls on  all  six  sides.  There  are  nowindows or doors or exits whatsoever.  Theonly object  in  the  room,  besides  yournaked self, is a table.  How  do  you  getout?                                                                                Answers  on  a  postcard  or  sealed  downenvelope to the  usual  AlchNews  address,with your own name and address and  choiceand  format  you   would   like   AlchNewssupplied on.  A  winning  subscriber  willhave    their    subscription     extendedaccordingly.                                                                                                                                
   1                                                           PD CLASSIX                      Twenty five programs you should                   not be without                                                        Not wishing to steal  ideas  and  articlesfrom CLASSIX magazine, a series has  neverbeen  compiled  for  classic   and   'musthave' PD / shareware / freeware  programs.In the first of a series, we take  a  lookat some of the finest  software  that  allusers shouldn't be without.                                                                        SPECIAL OFFER                                                        Inconjunction with this  series,  we  javemastered a special 'PD CLASSIX'  tape  anddisc featuring all the  programs  covered.In  total,  there  will  be  approximatelyfifty titles  covering  utilities,  games,visual and applications. The price of thiscompilation  is  just  one  pound  and  isavailable from Alchemist Research. As withall Alchemist  Research  productions,  thecompilation co
   1                                                           INDEX (1/3)                                                         AN23.0 : This file.                                                                 AN23.1 : NEWS. 27 Items of news and  viewsAN23.2 : in the ZX world.                                                           AN23.3 : SOFTWARE CLASSIX. Part one  in  a         series   of   the   top    'free'         software   titles,    past    and         present.                                                                   AN23.4 : Z80  3.05.  Another  release  and         dozens of bugs fixed.                                                      AN23.5 : THE  ED'S  HOLIDAY.  A  visit  to         Salisbury and Alchemist Software.                                          AN23.6 : FISH2.  It's  back,  bigger   and         brighter than ever.                                                        AN23.7 : BACK TO BASICS.  Part  one  in  aAN23.8 : series by Ken Beer.                            
   1                                                           FISH E-ZINE                               Spring 1997                                                         Hello AlchNews reader, and welcome to  theplug for Fish2.                                                                     As many of you know  Fish!  magazine  cameabout  soon  after  the  demise  of   YourSinclair and gained a reputation  for  thesillyist  magazine   around.   Fish2   wassporned  as  the  tape  version   of   themagazine a year later. The driver was slowand it took two hours to load up, but  forsome strange reason people read  it.  Thenevery thing went quiet, GCSE  exams  came,then Mat brought out issue 5  as  part  ofthe FishPaste collection and promptly gaveme the editors hat.                                                                 I  meanwhile  had  written  a  new  fasterversion of the driver software  and  optedfor the section loading  approach  to  cutdown on the initial loading time.  So  nowFish2 offers p
   1                                                            CREDITS                                                            Greatful appreciation must go out  to  allwho helped in the production of this  finepublication. Notable thanks must go to:                                                                                       Editor:               Andy Davis Bsc      Sub-Editor:           Desmond Tyler       Sam compiler:         Ferry Groothedde                                                                                        Original Programming: Dominic Morris      Later Programming:    Andy Davis                                United Minds                              Paul Howard                               Miles Kinloch                                                                                           128K Music:           Agent-X                                   Chris Taylor                              United Minds                              Dave Fountain                     
   1                                                             REVIEW                              ZX FILES - Issue 2                                                      Something of a ZX Files special this issueas they get two reviews in one go!  Namelybecause  ever   faithful   Lloyd   Garlanddecided to leave  it  a  bit  late  beforesubmitting an article for AN22.  Not  onlydid he miss the November 1st deadline, butI'd compiled the issue and had a copy I mypocket for him! But, it's nowhere near  asbad as the United Minds  who  promised  anarticle  for  issue  19  (December  1995!)which STILL hasn't been posted!                                                     Anyway, to the  task.  ZX  Files  issue  2landed  on  my  desk  the  first  week  ofJanuary, along with  a  stack  of  flyers,which you have no  doubt  seen  with  thisissue. The cover  of  the  magazine  is  afantastic rip-off of the infamous  "Scully& Mulder in  bed  together"  from  ROLLINGSTONE magazine (beware Paul, no doubt somesad   individu
   1                                                              NEWS                        Happenings in the Spectrum world                                                                                                NEW PC AT ALCHEMIST RESEARCH                                                 The editor has invested in  a  new  PC,  aP166+ machine with all the  usual  extras,built specially by FAST ACCESS SYSTEMS  inRotherham. Whilst looking around for a newPC, the editor compared the price paid  atFAS (`1159) to  other  stores.  A  similarmodel in the usual electrical stores wouldcost almost  `2000!  Quite  recently,  theEuro-supermarket ALDI sold PCs worth `1600for `850. The stocks, sadly limited,  wereexhausted in just a few days!                                                                                                         NEW PCs FOR ALCHNEWS STAFF                                                  There must be something in the  water,  orall the new Microsoft advertisements on TVare too tempti
   1                                                                                             GARGOYLE GAMES INSTRUCTIONS                                                 At time of editing, these games have  beenplanned to be featured with  AlchNews  23.However,  some  may  be  held   back   forAlchNews 24, pending last  minute  changesto the software line up. Ed.                                                                                                                SWEEVO'S WORLD                                                        Can our Hero overcome the  absurd  dangersthat face him and reach Active Status? Themain   task   would   seem   to   be   theextermination of  an  organism  originallydesigned to look after the Folly and  keepit clean - the Waste Ingestion and JanitorUnits are not  really  dangerous  but  areextremely irritating. On the  other  hand,the creatures built to guard the place arevery dangerous and will  attack  at  everyopportunity.